About your Profile Settings
Use your Web of Science researcher profile settings to add or customize the public presentation of your profile, set you peer review preferences, and manage syncing with ORCID.
Your Web of Science Researcher Profile settings consist of three tabs: Edit Profile, Peer Review Preferences and ORCID Syncing.
- Edit Profile
- Allows you to customize several aspects of your public representation on Web of Science Researcher Profile such as your profile photo, display name and primary organization.
- Peer Review Preferences
- Allows you to set your review display preferences, turn on automatic addition of reviews from partnered journals and more.
- ORCiD Syncing
- Allows you to connect ORCiD to your profile and configure ORCiD sync preferences.
Finding your Profile Settings
You can access your Profile Settings while viewing your profile by clicking on the edit pencil button in the top right corner of your profile card.
You may also access these via the side navigation bar.
- First click on the menu button found in the side navigation bar.
- Now click on ‘Profile.’
- From here please click on the ‘EDIT’ button next to “My researcher profile.”