Note: Publons profiles were migrated to Web of Science Researcher Profiles. If you are the previous owner of a Publons profile please log in to the Web of Science with your previous Publons credentials to access your existing profile data. 


Steps for Regular ORCID Login 

1.  Navigate to and click to sign in.

2. Now click on the green 'ID' ORCID logo

3. Please enter your ORCID details and submit

If you already have a verified email address associated with your account you will now be logged in. 

If Login did not Occur

If you do not have a valid email address associated with this ORCID account you will be presented with this notification:

There are two options here which depend on if you have a duplicate profile or not. 

If you have a duplicate profile: 

If you are certain that you have more than one profile please now click on "Yes, I have an account" and then enter the email address and password associated with your duplicate account: 

If you have forgotten your password please submit a reset request. If you do not receive a reset email to that address it is possible that the email address is not associate with a profile. 

Please try any other email address that you may have used to create an account and if problems persist please submit a support ticket here which links to all of your duplicate profiles.

If you do not have a duplicate profile:

On this notification please click on "No, let's continue" 

Now please fill out the registration form using an email address. You will now be able to login to your profile. 


1. Even if you are certain that your ORCID created profile is also associated with an email address you must use a different email address during the registration. If you were presented with the "Before continuing" notification then this means that you either do not have an associated email address on this account or that the email address on your account is not able to be used to activate login. Please use a different email address for this process. 

2. If problems persist please submit a ticket to our support team here.