We recommend Academy graduates with at least one authored publication that is indexed in the Web of Science to our partner journal editors within our service offering Web of Science Reviewer Locator.
With a Web of Science Academy badge on your Web of Science researcher profile, editors will also be able to see that you have a peer review qualification when they are searching for reviewers on Publons. This along with publishing in your field, writing good reviews on Publons which are associated with you (not signed anonymously), where the journal allows this, should give you the best chance of being invited to review a paper. You can also indicate that you are interested in reviewing for a particular journal by going to that journal’s profile page on Publons and clicking the blue button under ‘Interested in reviewing for this journal?’.
Tips for if you'd like to receive review invitations:
- Import your publications to your Web of Science Researcher Profile through ORCiD or Web of Science (some journals require x number of publications of their reviewers)
- Make sure your profile is up to date with enough details about your specific expertise and research fields
For more tips on how to get noticed by editors check out this blog post.