There are two options you can use to add editor records to your profile.

These are:  

Forward your editorial receipts or screenshots to 

To add and verify your editor records, please send an editor receipt or screenshot of the editorial management system (where your editor records are displayed) to We will then verify your receipts and add the verified records to your profile. 

  • Editorial receipts are any emails sent during the editorial process which identify you as the handling editor of the paper e.g., "decision has been made" emails. 
    • These receipts must contain the journal/conference and title of the paper.  
  • Screenshots of the editorial management system. 
    • The screenshots should show a list of your editorial contributions and must contain the journal/conference and title of the manuscript and your name or login. 

Invalid editor receipts


Receipts that are not considered to be valid editor receipts include the following:  

  • Editor receipts without the name of the journal/conference 
  • Invitations to edit 
  • Acceptance of invitations to edit 
  • A word/excel document containing copy and pasted text from the editorial management system (please provide a screenshot of the editorial management system instead) 
  • A screenshot of the editorial management system where it is unclear you have handled the role of the editor, or the manuscript is just assigned to you  
  • Emails where it is not clear you are addressed as the editor. i.e., the email is addressed to the 'Editor' and has more than one recipient 
  • The addressed editor name does not match your profile name 
  • A general confirmation that you are an editorial board member of the journal/conference 

Add editor records manually through the forms on the site

You can manually add an editor record via the “Manage editor record” form.  

Finding the form

  • On the sidebar navigation click on: Profile > My records > +Add Editor records  
  • From your “My Editor Records” page click on “+ Add an editor record” 

Adding a new record: 

  1. Enter the title of the journal or conference and where possible the manuscript’s decision date. 

  2. Now you can search for publication details in the “Article” section of the form. At least a title is required to create an editor record, but we encourage you to add as much detail as possible. 
    1. Search by title or an identifier (DOI, Web of Science accession number, PubMed ID or arXiv ID), we will retrieve any further details we can and give you a chance to update them to your satisfaction. 

  3. You can then give the reviewers of the manuscript recognition by adding their names, email addresses and date of their reviews. We will send them a link to add the review record to their own profile. 

  4. Press ‘Create’ to finish 

If you add editor records manually in this way, they will not be verified yet. You can verify these records by forwarding the corresponding editor receipt to

Note: You are unable to create new journal entries. If you would like to add a review for a journal not in our database through the forms on the site, please contact us with the journal title, URL and ISSN and any other relevant information and we will add it for you.